Saturday, 3 July 2010

Never lose sight of your dreams.
No matter how unlikely they may seem.

Keep dreaming! ^ - ^

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

I was a quitter once and my internal flame was nearly extinguished. But something inside me said to march on. My mistakes nearly cost me my life but I fought back from death's door. From now on, I WILL NEVER give up. I'd rather be pushing daisies than be a loser. For all those out there who have it tough---never surrender. You must always hope for better days even when things are at their darkest.

Have faith.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Run With Your Existance

When no one is there to hear... Just run with your existance !!!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Pain Is Pleasure

Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain ... But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain - Khalil Gibran

Monday, 12 April 2010

Hunger For Love

There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. So keep loving and appreciating each other :)

Thursday, 27 August 2009


If I adore You out of fear of Hell,
Burn me in Hell !

If I adore You out of desire for Paradise, Lock me out of Paradise !

But if I adore You for Yourself alone, Do not deny to me Your eternal beauty !

--- Rabia Al Basri ---

Al-Maskin (The Needy)

The needy (Miskeen) - Those without sufficient means of livelihood to meet their basic necessities. For instance, those who, although may have a job, a house and a car, but whose income is below the minimum requirement.

The Needy (Miskeen) may be someone whose level of poverty is more than the poor or less than him. However, their ruling is the same in all matters.

Zakah or alms-giving is the practice of charitable giving by Muslims based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all who are able to do so. It is one of the five pillars of Islam.

Read more on it, here:

Zakah means to 'purify'. It refers to the purification of a Muslim's wealth and soul. Zakah is one of the major religious duties of Islam. It is considered to be a personal responsibility for Muslims to ease economic hardship for others and eliminate inequality.

Following is the documentary showing how a poor needy family celebrate their Eid. How they have patience in the month of Ramadan even on the day of celebrations, Eid.

It's a reminder for all of us to look around ourselves and be awared of our moral and religious duties.

Many thanks to my dearest friend and brother from India, Aamir Mustafah, for giving such an amazing video. Jazak Allah Khairan !!

I'm not a writer - I just have an unhealthy obsession with words.

Hello, everyone ! I'm a new Blogger. Keep visiting my blog !

Thanks !

Regards, Ayesha.

About Me

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Just an ordinary daughter of an extraordinary woman !
