Monday, 1 June 2009

Tears Of The Death

Death may be a part of life, and sorrow may be too, but it is a part of life when you always feel sorrow and sadness and suffer death ? Or is it just the way you're meant to live ?
Tears streaming down my eyes,
The only feelings I have are sadness and sorrow.
Sorrow to feel when death comes,
and takes away those you love.
Sadness to know when you have to remember all the good times that you used to have,
All the happiness,
All the love,
All the good thoughts,
And all the wonderful feelings.
Death, it's what separates the living from the dead.
Death and dying,
Always to leave you with nothing,
Always to leave you sad,
Always to leave you feeling alone,
Always to leave you feeling lost.
Tears rolling down my face,
All I remember is the death,
All I can remember is the hurt,
All I can remember is the sadness,
All I can remember is the sorrow.


  1. Salam Aisha!
    Nice writings...and good blog...keep on writing...

  2. Walaikum Assalam, Ifthikhar.

    Thank you so much !

    And, Museb. I appreciate your comment.

  3. Hi Ayesha,

    I came across this blog and was struck by its message. I have posted it - in Dutch - on my personal page, but do ask your permission for this. Hope you can appreciate this, for I do appreciate yours.

    Kind regards,
    Jan Hamelink, Netherlands


I'm not a writer - I just have an unhealthy obsession with words.

Hello, everyone ! I'm a new Blogger. Keep visiting my blog !

Thanks !

Regards, Ayesha.

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Just an ordinary daughter of an extraordinary woman !
